TW-HE - Filter Class F9:2012

TurboWeb – HE is a cost effective static alternative to HEPA filter media, which has proven 5 times more efficient than typical MERV 14 filter for  0.3 – 0.4 microns. Its exceptional water and salt repellency efficiencies prevents salt & water penetration and corrosion, resulting in less compressor fauling and less down time.

It's synthetic media properties offers very low operational pressure drop thoughout the filter life time reducing maintenance costs.

Synthetic Mix - water repellent
Media weight: 75gram/m2

Initial efficiency Very Good
Average efficiency at 450Pa 98%
Filtration efficiency Excellent

Nordic Air Filtration's TW-HE media is high efficient 3 layers synthetic media suitable for areas with higher levels of moisture or chemical corrosives.It's exceptional water and salt repellency efficiencies prevent salt & water penetration and corrosion, resulting in less compressor fouling and less downtime. It's synthetic media properties offers very low operational pressure drop throughout the filter lifetime reducing maintenance costs.

TheTW-HE filter media is suitable for:  Offshore Arctic Tropical Urban Coastal

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