As a response to our growing number of customers in China, Nordic Air Filtration/TDC Filter has established a Representative Office in Shanghai in July 2012.
The office is managed by Business Development Managers Per Bjerre from Denmark and Julia Zhou from China (left picture). Both Bjerre and Zhou have several years of experience in delivering professional filtration solutions to the industrial and gas turbine industry through preferred resellers and OEMs in the region.
Increasing Number of Customers in China
Our emphasis on China is attributed to our wish to be closer to our increasing number of customers in China, as it gives us the advantage of understanding and meeting their needs even better. Also, the growth in China gives us a significant commercial potential which strengthens our business and profitability – making us an all the more attractive business partner.
We have experienced an increasing interest in our products from European, American, Japanese and Korean manufacturing companies settling in China. To ensure smooth manufacturing, they purchase high quality filters from well-established European and American suppliers.
Reliable Products and Closer Relationship
With this establishment, we will bring more advanced technology and more reliable products to the industry in this rapidly growing market and our Asia Pacific customers will benefit from an even closer relationship with their Nordic Air Filtration /TDC Filter Sales Representative.
Contact our Representative Office in China here->
针对日益增长的中国客户的数量和需求,Nordic空气过滤公司/TDC过滤公司 于2012年7月 在上海 设立中国代表处。
中国代表处的运营,由来自丹麦的Per Bjerre先生,及来自中国的周智瑾女士(左图)共同管理。他们两位,都有着多年从事工业过滤及燃气轮机行业的丰富经验。且通过和经销商及设备制造商间的长期配合,也非常了解行业的动态。
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