Partnering with Nordic Air Filtration provides many advantages, including:
- Complete Air Quality Program
- Quaterly and Periodical GT Air Intake Efficiency check, Findings & Reporting
- Access to client-specific, customised design and manufacturing
- Removal, Fit and Commissioning Filter Cartridges
- Disposal services through our local agents in the region
Nordic Air Filtration delivers output & availability above your expectations, with benefits that include:
- Proven Output Gains from your Gas Turbine
- Increased Machine Reliability
- Proven Extension to your Equipment Life
- Extended Intervals betwen Maintenance & Shutdowns
Inspection of Gas Turbine Filter House will also include:
Filtration System:
- Inspection of Filter Media & Filtration System
- Physical Inspect Holding Frames and Grid Plates for 1st & 2nd Stage filters
- Evaluate Filtration Retaining Hardware
- Perform RUL ( Remaining Useful Life) test of the Filter Elements
- Check for Bypass ( Air Tight) Sealing Quality, Visible Gaps - both 1st & 2nd Stage filters
- Evaluate Pressure Drop & Change-out Procedures and Pulse Frequency
Filter House - Instrumentation
- Physical Inspection of differential pressure gauges and switches
- Check for moisture, factory seals on gauges
- Check safety and shutdown alarms for inspection procedures
- Examine Systems Operating Pressures
- Review monitoring of practices differential pressure across filter banks
Plenum Area (Upstream and Downstream)
- Inspect Drain Valves and Reservoirs in Plenum
- Check for moisture or standing water on Clean and Dirty Air Plenum Floor (Potentia Safety Hazards)
- Inspect Support Columns, silencer baffles and examine Walls, Floors,( Rust/ Corrosion)
- Examine Framework, perforated sheet and inspect insulation material in Silencer baffles
Weather Hoods and Louvers
- Inspect droplet catchers / drift eliminators
- Rain Hood and Louvers
Evaporative Cooler System:
- Inspect Evaporative Cooling Pads and Sump
- Examine Water Distribution System
- Check for Scale & Mineral Deposits and Inspect Drains and Water Quality
- Review pH monitoring
- Inspect Bleed-Off and make up water, check valves, strainers, and pumps
- Review Cooling Performance